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Rechargeable Soap Bags
Effective deer control for areas of light to moderate deer pressure. Soap acts as deterrent to deer browsing on young trees. Package includes weather resistant, nylon mesh bag, soap and zip tie for attachment to the tree. The product is prepackaged and ready to hang on the tree. 25 count per box. Available discount if purchased by case (100 count).
Red Bartlett
Red Cameo™ (Dudek Cltv.) PP#19,766
This red strain of Cameo harvests with the original selection. The color improvement is significant and does not compromise flavor. This selection is being offered under license agreement with Van Well Nursery, Wenatchee, Washington.
Royalty: $1.00/tree
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Red Clapp’s (Kalle Cltv.)
An early maturing, fresh market variety ripening ten days before Bartlett. Red Clapp’s is a mutation of the original Clapp’s Favorite. The fruit finishes with an attractive red color, is medium to large, with fine white flesh and good quality. The tree is vigorous, productive, but should not be planted where fire blight is a serious problem.
Red Winesap
An improved all-red Winesap. Fruit is very firm, medium in size and matures one week after Snapp™ Stayman. Flavor is more stringent than Stayman. Exhibits less cracking than Stayman. Trees should be planted on dwarf stock and kept open to maintain fruit color characteristics.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Red Yorking
This sport of York Imperial colors earlier and has more complete color. The premium processing apple.
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Rich May
Developed by Zaiger Genetics of Modesto, California, this is the earliest ripening peach offered by Adams County Nursery. The fruit is medium in size, clingstone, highly colored and very firm. The tree is vigorous and productive under Pennsylvania conditions. This is one of the best flavored of the early season varieties.
Robada apricot was developed at the USDA-ARS station in Fresno, CA in the late 90s. The most notable attribute is its very large fruit size. It’s one of the largest apricots on the market. Robada is freestone, finishes with a red blush and the flesh is bright orange. The flavor is outstanding with a nice balance between acid and sugar. Tree habit is vigorous, and fruit is somewhat susceptible to mildew if not properly managed.