WineCrisp™ (Co-op 31 Cv.) PP#20,437


WineCrisp™ was selected by and is being offered under license from the University of Illinois. It is a late-season apple, harvesting two weeks after Delicious. The fruit is medium to large in size and colors to a deep purple-red with a “scarfy” finish. Flesh is very firm, juicy and crisp and exhibits a pleasantly balanced sweet-tart, spicy flavor. WineCrisp™ has performed very well in hot, dry conditions and is ideal for southern growing districts. This apple has great storage life, keeping six to eight months in regular cold storage. Tree is moderately vigorous and spreading. Aggressive thinning is recommended to avoid biennial bearing.

Royalty: $1.50/tree






Dwarf vs Semi-Dwarf


Fruit trees on full dwarfing rootstocks require permanent support. Trees may be individually staked for support or put on a trellis system. The average height of these trees at full maturity will be 8-12’ and trees should be planted no closer than 5-6’ apart. Dwarfing rootstocks make fruit trees more precocious, so on average they will come into production two seasons sooner than trees grown on semi-dwarf stock.


We recommend supporting semi-dwarf trees until the roots are firmly established, at which point the trees should be freestanding, especially on heavier ground. The average height to expect at full maturity is 14-20’, depending on how they are pruned and maintained. Trees should be planted approximately 10-12’ apart.

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