Pink Lady® (Cripps Pink Cltv.)
Attractive pink blush over a yellow background color, this Golden Delicious x Lady Williams cross is suggested for warmer Mid-Atlantic growing regions. The fruit is medium to large, crisp with a sweet-tart flavor and a long storage life. Pink Lady® develops full flavor after four weeks in storage. It requires only 400 chill hours and it matures 200-215 days after bloom. Because of the low chilling requirement and the naturally high vigor of this variety, it may be planted in a range of sites, including warm climates and weak soils. Summer pruning, low fertility and low vigor rootstocks are highly recommended. Pink Lady® matures November 10 in south-central Pennsylvania.
Royalty: $1.25/tree
Size |
Dwarf ,Semi-Dwarf |
Dwarf vs Semi-Dwarf
Fruit trees on full dwarfing rootstocks require permanent support. Trees may be individually staked for support or put on a trellis system. The average height of these trees at full maturity will be 8-12’ and trees should be planted no closer than 5-6’ apart. Dwarfing rootstocks make fruit trees more precocious, so on average they will come into production two seasons sooner than trees grown on semi-dwarf stock.
We recommend supporting semi-dwarf trees until the roots are firmly established, at which point the trees should be freestanding, especially on heavier ground. The average height to expect at full maturity is 14-20’, depending on how they are pruned and maintained. Trees should be planted approximately 10-12’ apart.