
Au Rosa

A dark red plum, medium to large in size, with red flesh. Trees are very vigorous, spreading and moderately productive.


A late maturing, Japanese-type plum maturing in late August. Fruit is medium to large, reddish-purple and very firm with yellow flesh. The trees are upright and vigorous. Cross pollination with other Japanese varieties is recommended.

Queen Rosa

A USDA release ripening five to seven days after Santa Rosa. Fruit is similar to Santa Rosa, a dark red-purple plum with red flesh. Queen Rosa has been more productive than Santa Rosa under eastern conditions.

Ruby Queen

Another USDA release, Ruby Queen blooms with Methley and ripens three to four weeks after Santa Rosa. This variety has been widely tested and shown to adapt well to humid climates. With an outstanding flavor, the fruit has reddish-black skin and a firm red flesh.

Santa Rosa

A large, attractive reddish-purple plum with yellow flesh. The fruit is firm with excellent quality. One of the most frequently planted Japanese plums. Considered self-fertile and a good pollenizer. Fruit buds are susceptible to winter injury in northern climates.


A Wickson x Burbank cross that matures one week after Wickson. Fruit is red, medium-sized, yellow-fleshed and clingstone. The trees are upright, vigorous and productive.