

A chance seedling discovered in the orchards of the Mennell family in British Columbia, Canada. The fruit finishes with a 50% pink to red blush over a yellow background color. The flavor is sweet and very pleasant and texture is crisp. Ambrosia matures late September in south central PA. Tree growth habit is compact, upright and very productive.
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Arkansas Black

A very late maturing Winesap-type variety grown primarily in the Southeast. The fruit is dark red and very firm with a tart flavor. This is a great variety to add in a cider blend, providing a high acid, spicy flavor.
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DA ROSA® (Golden Parsi Cv.) PP#22,859

A highly russet-resistant selection of Golden Delicious. The tree is similar in both growth and fruiting habits to its parent. Harvests at traditional Golden Delicious timing. This selection has the tendency to develop more of a pink cheek as fruit approaches maturity. Royalty: $1.00/tree
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Dandee Red® (PV 1027 Cltv.) PP#16,620

A limb mutation of Paula Red/Summer Mac (Arends Cv.) maturing eight days earlier. Dandee Red is a 100-percent red blush apple with crisp, creamy white flesh. Flavor is pleasingly tart. Holding ability and shelf life appear to be better than Paula Red/Summer Mac (Arends Cv.), although tree habit is much the same. Tree is also very hardy. Royalty: $1.25/tree
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Daybreak™ Fuji (Rankin Cltv.)

An early sport of Fuji, discovered at Twin Springs Fruit Farm, Orrtanna, Pennsylvania. The fruit is large with a pink-red blush over 80 percent of the fruit surface. The finish of the fruit and productivity of the tree are exceptional. The tree is precocious on any rootstock. Maturing four to five weeks ahead of conventional Fuji, Daybreak™ Fuji provides an opportunity to harvest high quality Fuji in mid-September. This is an excellent choice for both retail and wholesale markets.  
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Ginger Gold® (Mountain Cove Cltv.)

Ginger Gold® was one of our first exclusive offerings and continues to be a highly soughtafter variety. Discovered as a chance seedling in the orchards of Clyde and Ginger Harvey of Lovingston, Virginia, this Golden Delicious type ripens six weeks ahead of Golden Delicious and can be harvested the first week of August. Ginger Gold® exhibits all the qualities of a fall variety and ripens three weeks before McIntosh. Royalty: $0.40/tree
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Golden Delicious (Gibson Cltv.)

A russet-resistant selection of the original Golden Delicious. One of the most widely planted apple cultivars worldwide. Fruit is firm, medium to large with the classic Golden Delicious flavor. The tree is spreading, productive and easy to manage. Fruit thinning is required to maintain annual bearing.
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GoldRush (Co-op 38)

Best known for its remarkable keeping qualities, GoldRush will keep in regular cold storage approximately 10 or 11 months. Fruit is crisp and tart off the tree and develops its sugars in storage. GoldRush resists oxidation when cut, making a nice, yellow sauce, and the fruit also bakes very well. Tree is non-vigorous, slightly upright with a semi-spur habit. Resistant to scab and mildew. Matures after Fuji and is not recommended for northern growing districts.
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Granny Smith

A late, green, tart apple, maturing in early November. Develops a red blush in the Northeast. High-quality eating apple with a storage life equal to Fuji.
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Initial™ (X-6163 Cltv.)

A scab-resistant variety developed at INRA Angers, France, Initial™ is a Gala x Redfree cross. It matures approximately one week before Gala. The fruit has good size and has a red blush over a yellow background. This variety is prone to fruit drop, making it an ideal selection for food plots. Tree is relatively non-vigorous and the fruit is crisp with a mild acidic flavor. Initial™ is a triploid and therefore pollen sterile. Royalty: $1.25/tree
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Kumeu Crimson® Braeburn

A late-season apple that harvests with other Braeburn strains. Medium to large fruit with typical tart flavor and long storage life. Fruit colors two to three weeks ahead of other Braeburns, finishing 100% red with a prominent stripe. Tree is spur type with low vigor. Kumeu Crimson® Braeburn matures in early November in southern Pennsylvania. Royalty: $1.00/tree
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A medium-sized, yellow-fleshed dessert apple with 90 percent red over yellow background color. Tree is vigorous, spreading and an annual bearer. Liberty is resistant to apple scab, cedar apple rust, fire blight and mildew. A good choice for the home gardener.
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